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Booking your flight ticket in advance

To get the best deals on plane tickets, the best thing is to book in advance. There are certain weeks during the year, where tickets are cheaper - this is usually so off tourist season. Besides, flights are cheaper when they take place in the middle of the week (Tuesday or Wednesday). Also, don’t forget to look for more than one possibility, since prices vary depending on the airline, whether there are connections or not, what time the plane leaves, etc.

If you have the possibility of choosing between taking a flight or a train (especially in Europe) consider the latter, as you will be able to take all your luggage with you without having to pay for extra baggage. If you travel during night time you’ll save accommodation money, as people generally sleep on the train. Another advantage of trains is that, unlike what happens in airports, you don’t have to be at the station three hours in advance to check-in. If you take all these suggestions into account, you are likely to save some money.

Choosing the Best Accommodation

Luckily for all of us, when it comes to accommodation there is a lot of competition, everywhere; this translates as better options for every different pocket size and taste. You can start searching for a place to stay online. There are websites that allow you to find the best deals according to your needs, meaning that you can filter results by selecting how much you’re willing to pay, whether you want a room for yourself or shared, etc. Some of the cheapest places to stay are usually hostels, which can be a lot of fun, especially for those in their twenties. In general, you share a room with other people (prices vary depending on the number of people per room) sleeping on bunk beds. If you are a brave person, you could check out websites where real people offer a traveler “a couch to crash on” for a few days.

Knowing the Language

Believe it or not, previous knowledge of the language spoken at the place where you are traveling can save you money. How? Well, in many different ways: firstly, the language allows you to understand signs and directions – when you ask for them. This would allow you to comfortably commute by public transport, which is always cheaper than taking a cab.

Besides, in some places, cab drivers charge you more when they realize that you are a foreigner. Of course, this doesn’t always apply to taxis. If you don’t know the language, you are most likely to go to a restaurant, especially for tourists (which are far more expensive than restaurants for locals), or pay for an expensive guided tour (which many times you could do by yourself).

Photos via Flickr Creative Commons


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