Camping Holidays On A Budget

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One of the big perks of going on a camping holiday is how cheaply it can be done. Food, drink, and activities are all areas that can be financed on a budget, so with a little planning in advance, it’s possible to spend very little next time you stay at a camping holiday park. Here are our tips on how to get a lot from relatively little.


Camping holidays offer the advantage of ultimate freedom in what you do and how you do it, and in no other area is this more the case than it is with food. It’s an often overlooked area in this regard, frankly, as any meal-time squabbling can be easily nipped in the bud by just cooking on-site. What this means is that people can choose what they want to eat from a local supermarket, and everybody’s meals can all be cooked together. This saves on quarrels over which restaurants to eat at and is also cost-effective.


The same economy applies to drinking, both in the recreational sense and in keeping hydrated. Long hikes through the countryside can be complemented with bottles of water picked up at local shops beforehand, rather than paying larger prices at stops along the way.

When it comes to more recreational drinking, it’s a great idea to sample the local product. Scour markets for the most exotic drinks available – not just those you can also get back at home – and take yourself on a beverage adventure!


Getting back to nature with a camping holiday opens up all kinds of possibilities when it comes to activities. The open environment is perfect for sport or exercise, as the more active in your party can get down to action at the drop of a hat. Another trip to the local shop can reap rewards in the form of cricket sets, a football, or a skipping rope. Be sure to pick games that are easy to play and that the whole party can get involved with – there’s loads of fun to be had!

Camping holidays can easily be enjoyed without breaking the bank. Simply put, the key to making the most of your holiday is to plan ahead. You’re on holiday in order to have fun with people you get on with – there’s no need for it to be an expensive trip that leaves your wallet sore for months afterward!

Photos by SteveD & Zach Dischner via Flickr Creative Commons

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