Here’s the thing: stag parties can get a little cliche. As surprising as it might seem, some guys are just not into all that drinking, clubbing, and stripping scenario. If this is you, then you know what we’re talking about. If you happen to be the outdoorsy type, a good ol’ backpacking trip with your buddies could just be the greatest stag party you could ever imagine.

If you’re an old-timer, you probably know all the ins and outs of backpacking. But if you’re more of a new follower, here’s how you can make your backpacker experience memorable (in a good way).
Don’t Over-pack
A backpacker always travels light. Otherwise, your whole trip will be a constant agony to get somewhere. And everybody knows backpacking is all about the journey, not the destination. If you’re hiking for a couple of days, get enough clothes for a couple of days and an extra, just in case. Think of everything you want to do on your trip and pack accordingly. Don’t bring a bathing suit if you know for sure you won’t need it. One camera for the whole group is enough and carrying around mp3 players and other gadgets won’t help. Be smart. Your back will thank you later.

Don’t Spend a Fortune
A backpacking trip is soul-searching and, in this case, a serious case of male bonding. Don’t try to nourish your experience with money, because that’s not the point. You don’t need new clothes, a fancy camera, or the newest fashion in backpacks. You don’t have to eat out every night (although if you’re having a stag party splurging just a bit is completely understandable) and accommodation should be decent. Not dirt-cheap, but not Ritz-worthy either.
Remember: moderation is key. If you dream of keeping a tight budget, you might get to the end of your journey quite disappointed. Things are never exactly as you plan them to be, so don’t stress too much if you’re paying a few extra dollars.

Do a Lot of Research
It doesn’t matter if you’re going to a familiar place or a country you’ve never been to before. Research is key. Check weather conditions for the time of year, and find out what you want to see on your trip and in what order you’re going to do it.
Make an itinerary. This will help you estimate your travel expenses, plus being on a quest is always fun. If you’re going to a new place, ask fellow backpackers on forums what advice they have to give you. There’s always someone who’s gone on the same trip and who’s had problems you don’t really want to have.

Do Yourself a Favour and Make New Friends
A backpacking trip can be a great way to meet new people. Don’t shy away from social interaction. You and your buddies will have a lot more fun if you just go with the flow, be open, and give people a chance. There is some sort of connection between backpackers, so making new friends will not be uncomfortable like in other social situations.
Be nice and warm, keep it clean, and always have good intentions. Listen to your gut. If you think someone around you doesn’t have the best intentions, get out of that situation and stay safe.

A backpacking trip with your buddies might be the best stag party you could ever think of. It’s a great way of exploring new places, getting new experiences, and meeting new people. Plus, it’s on the cheap side and it won’t leave you hung over and empty of any memories from last night. It’ll give you a photo album you’ll never forget and the stories to go with it.