Dating can be difficult, especially for travelers who love to explore a new city or country as often as they can. However, finding that special someone to take along with those adventurers will only make them even more memorable.
If it’s a first date then doing something out of the norm (instead of the usual dinner and movie) is sure to leave a lasting impression, if it’s your 50th date then a surprise trip away could help rekindle the initial excitement in the relationship.
Which destinations would make ideal dates all depends on the length of your relationship. Whisking a partner away to Paris on a second or third date may seem a bit creepy and could kill the relationship; however, a trip to Great Yarmouth Pleasure Beach for a one-year anniversary is equally likely to not go down too well.
Length of Relationship – Less than one month
The first month of dating is both the most exciting and the most delicate. The chemistry is strong and the freshness of the relationship can make you feel euphoric. It’s also the period of time that you are getting familiar with one another. The best advice is to take it slow, keeping your dates simple and close to home.
Dating Destinations Ideas
Dry Ski Slope – If you happen to live fairly close to a dry ski slope, then this is an ideal first date for travel lovers. If your date has skied before she will get a kick out of hitting the slopes and if she hasn’t then it provides her the opportunity to learn a new skill and allows you plenty of opportunities to get close and have a laugh together. If you both enjoy it then it also allows you to perhaps book a real skiing trip together once the relationship is more established. Other similar first-dating adventurous activities could be rock climbing, white water rafting, or mountain biking.
Length of Relationship – Between one and six months
This is the honeymoon period of your relationship. You have a fairly good idea of who each other are and you feel good about the relationship. Dating becomes more intense and time away from each other can be a fantastic way to get to know one another.
Dating Destinations Ideas
Weekend City Breaks – Once you find yourself in an established relationship the ideal travel getaway would be a short weekend city break. These allow you to spend alone time together away from your usual lives whilst still being relatively close to home. There are a number of destinations within the UK such as Cambridge, the Lake District, or even Center Parcs that make for ideal short romantic getaways. If your budget allows you could even travel slightly further afield and make short trips to Paris, Madrid, Brussels, or Rome.
Length of Relationship – Six months and over
After six months, you should both know each other pretty well. You may even be considering living together; a call that should not be taken lightly. Living together can be a big move in any relationship and before you take that step it is recommended that you spend some quality time away together. A holiday over a week or two can provide you with all you need to know about your partner, you may even consider traveling with friends or family at this point in the relationship so that you’re sure everyone you care about is getting along.
Dating Destinations Ideas
Long Haul Holidays – A long-haul holiday with your partner and possibly also with friends or family will really help to solidify your current relationship whilst also rekindling that spark you felt during your first few dates. A number of destinations would be perfect long haul trips such as Morocco, Thailand, and the USA or you could even book that skiing trip mentioned earlier.
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